Miguel Castro Oliveira
- process integration
- sustainable energy
- modelling
Miguel Castro Oliveira is a Researcher and Chemical Engineer at ISQ – Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade and an integrated member of CERENA – Centro de Recursos Naturais e Ambiente (integrated within the Energy Group). He finished his PhD on Sustainable Energy Systems in Instituto Superior Técnico in 2023.
Castro Oliveira has working experience in research & development projects in the areas of energy efficiency, waste heat recovery, process integration, water-energy nexus and simulation and optimisation model development. He had created a computational tool designated ThermWatt (intellectual property of ISQ), developed in the Modelica and Python languages, which has been in development since 2019. This tool has been used since for the further development of a specialized and innovative Engineering service. He also developed the concept of Water and Energy Integration Systems (WEIS).
Castro Oliveira is also the author of several scientific publications and had participated in several scientific conferences. He had also supervised several MSc students. His personal and professional course may be exploited in his personal website: https://sustainable-future.webnode.pt.
34th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering / 15th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering (ESCAPE34-PSE24) | 2024
Computer Aided Chemical Engineering | 2024