Abeer Al Mohtar


Junior Researcher



Abeer Al Mohtar has a PhD Degree in Nanotechnology and Optics (Physics) from the University of Technology of Troyes, France in 2015. From 2015-2017 she was a postdoctoral researcher at Institut Langevin, ESPCI-Paris and University of Paris, France. In 2018, she joined Centro de Recursos Naturais e Ambiente, Chemical Engineering Department, Instituto Superior Técnico as postdoctoral researcher. Currently, she is a junior researcher at CERENA, Universidade de Lisboa Instituto Superior Técnico. Her research is focused on: Indoor air quality, Carbon capture, Gas separation processes, Quantum Chemical Calculations, Finite Element Method calculations.


Nanotechnology | 2017

Michel Kazan

Thierry Taliercio

Laurent Cerutti

Sylvain Blaize

Aurélien Bruyant

Thin Solid Films | 2017

G. Tessier

R. Ritasalo

M. Matvejeff

J. Stormonth-Darling

P.S. Dobson

P.O. Chapuis

S. Gomès

J.P. Roger

Optical Interferometry | 2017

Aurélien Bruyant

Julien Vaillant

Tzu-Heng Wu

Yunlong Zhu

Yi Huang

Surface and Coatings Technology | 2016

Wassim Kassem

Malek Tabbal

Mohamad Roumie