Susana Muiños was present at the Annual Congress of the Portuguese Science Communication Network (SciComPt). The SciComPt 2023 Congress took place from the 3rd to 5th of May at Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal.
Susana was presenting a 3' short talk entitled "Comunicação de Ciência no CERENA - 5 anos em fast-forward | Science Communication at CERENA - 5 years in fast-forward". The presentation showed the evolution of performance indicators of science communication activities of CERENA from 2018 to 2022.
These Science communication actvities included outreach activities directed to schools (6-18yo), activities directed for society, media presence (TV, Radio, Press, other supports) and also activities directed to industry and other stakeholders.

On the course of the Congress, Susana was also invited, by the organizers, to participate on the Complete Session dedicated to Strategies in the Management of S and XS Communication Offices.

The Congress, organized by the SciComPt Network, in partnership with the Centro Ciência Viva de Bragança, the Municipality of Bragança and the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, had more than 200 science communication professionals.
“We received around 120 proposals for presentations and other sessions, which is a good sign for a community that wants to be active”. And I must point out that the proposals were of good or very good quality, which only encourages us in holding this congress.”
Vera Novais, president of the SciComPt Network.