Orquídia Neves (CERENA) and 4 researchers from GeoBiotec and CINEICC participated in a mission to Cape Verde (Santiago Island) in December 2018.
The mission took place within the scope of an investigation in neuropsychology and geomedicine areas, related to risk factors for Cognitive Decline, which stands out Alzheimer's disease.
About 70 people, aged over 50 and residents of Assomada and Tarrafal for more than 5 years, have been consulted free of charge. Neuropsychological tests and surveys were carried out in these consultations. Samples of hair, soil, dust and vegetables were also collected to investigate whether or not exposure to potentially toxic elements is a risk factor for the development of neurodegenerative diseases. In 2019 it is expected that the study will extend to the population of the island of Fogo and of the island of Maio.