On June 12th Técnico received the Session of Presentation and Discussion of the National Advanced Computing Strategy and its articulation in the European context.
The session started with a welcome speech by the President of Técnico- Professor Arlindo Oliveira, followed by the presentations of Nuno Rodrigues from the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (FCT)- "Advanced Computing Portugal 2030" strategy, by Luís Oliveira e Silva, President of the Scientific Council of Técnico- Examples of advanced computing usage, and from António Cunha, from CoLab DTx (Coordinator of the national proposal to the EuroHPC) regarding the installation of the Minho Advanced Computing Center (MACC) and the preparation of the national participation in the EuroHPC initiative.
The final speeches were delivered by the Deputy Director-General of the DG Connect of the European Commission Khalil Rouhana and by the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education Manuel Heitor. The session ended with a visit to the High-Performance Computing (HPC) demonstrations developed at Técnico, including the demonstration of CERENA "Stochastic geophysical and history matching inverse modeling"