A team of researchers from CERENA, CERIS, CeFEMA, Instituto Politécnico de Setubal and Universidade do Porto has developed an innovative, low-energy process to recycle concrete waste—marking a major step toward circularity in the concrete industry. Currently, concrete production accounts for over one-third of global construction waste and 8% of worldwide carbon emissions.
The newly developed method efficiently separates cement and sand with 70% purity and less than 5wt.% adhered paste by leveraging the materials' fracture and magnetic properties. This low-energy process integrates seamlessly with existing waste management equipment, making it both practical and scalable.
This achievement is part of the CDW Value Initiative, which aims to enhance the valorization of construction and demolition waste (CDW) through innovative sustainable products. The initiative promotes high-quality recycled aggregates and eco-efficient binders for green building applications, supported by two FCT-funded research projects: EcoHydb and Eco+RCEB.
A patent for this process (No. 116130, Portuguese Gazette of Industrial Property) has been published, unlocking exciting opportunities for collaboration. CERENA is now seeking partnerships in the following areas:
- Joint Venture: Scale up and optimize the technology through a pilot project in partnership with interested clients or stakeholders.
- Licensing Agreement: Transfer the technology to third parties via licensing agreements, enabling broader adoption and implementation.
For details, check the Instituto Superior Técnico's knowledge transfer area.
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