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Ana Sousa, IST-CERENA PhD student distinguished by Ordem dos Engenheiros

Ana Sousa IST PhD student and CERENA researcher, received a honourable mention of Young Engineer Innovation Award 2019 by Ordem dos Engenheiros – South region.

The award  that recognizes the best innovative works 'that stand out, among other criteria, for originality/ innovative character, applicability / practical utility and technical-scientific merit' recognized the work "Conversão de plataformas petrolíferas fixas em parques eólicos em ambiente oceânico” by Ana Sousa and Tiago Ribeiro.

'The work that was submitted to the young engineer award is an original work which addresses the conversion of fixed oil platforms into wind farms. With the conversion of function, the dismantling of fixed oceanic structures is avoided, thus mitigating latent environmental problems in this deactivation process, while contributing to the decarbonization of the energy system', says Ana Sousa.


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