Chemical Analysis

GPC - Gel Permeation Chromatograph
Gas Permeation Chromatograph

Gel Permeation Chromatograph for the analysis of the properties of polymeric solutions, such as the molecular weight distribution of polymeric materials. 

High Performance Liquid Chromatograph - Mass Spectrometer

High Performance Liquid Cromatograph coupled with a double quadropole mass spectrometer, used to perform separation of components present in liquid solutions, and the respective mass identification.

UV-Visible Spectrometer
UV-Visible Spetrometer

Device for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of solutions and thin solid films

destilador filme fino grande
Thin Film Evaporator

Thin film destillation equipment, operating at lab scale and also larger scale.


Apparatus for determination of particle size distribution using the DLS (dynamic light dispersion) technique.


Apparatus for the determination of the zeta potential of liquid solutions, emulsions, etc.

EMA - Elemental Micro Analyzer
EMA - Elemental Micro Analyzer VELP Scientifica EMA 502
DMA - Dynamic Mechanical Analysis, TA Instruments DMA Q800
DMA - Dynamic Mechanical Analysis, TA Instruments DMA Q800

Dynamic-mechanical analysis for the assessment of the storage and loss modulus of a material, as well as the damping capacity of polymeric materials.

Gas-Phase Chromatographer, Perkin Elmer - Clarus 580
Gas-Phase Chromatographer, Perkin Elmer - Clarus 580

Equipment set-up for the analysis of hydrocarbons with a generic column and an FID detector.

Gas-Phase Chromatographer, Shimadzu - GC-9A
Gas-Phase Chromatographer, Shimadzu - GC-9A

Equipment set-up for the analysis of light hydrocarbons (C1 to C10) with a PLOT column and an FID detector. Coupled with a C-R3A Shimadzu integrator.
